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At ZEUS Packaging Ltd, we are deeply committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. We believe businesses have a responsibility to operate in a way that benefits both people and the planet. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy guided by specific SDGs, focusing on environmental well-being and a healthy workforce.

Addressing Current Trends and Aligning with SDGs

We recognise the importance of responsible resource usage, including minimising waste, energy, and water consumption. Our initiatives, like exploring solar energy and upgrading our infrastructure for efficiency (SDG 7 & 9), directly address these concerns. Additionally, employee well-being is a priority. Through health initiatives (SDG 3), we foster a positive work environment and contribute to a healthier workforce.

Sustainability Throughout Our Operations

We’re constantly looking for ways to improve. To further reduce our environmental impact, we’re researching the feasibility of installing solar panels across our facilities (subject to location and cost-effectiveness). Additionally, we’re exploring partnerships and actively seeking innovative packaging technologies that minimise waste (SDG 9).

Building a Sustainable Supply Chain (SDG 12)

We take a leadership role in promoting responsible consumption and production. All our procurement tenders now include sustainability criteria, and we’re rolling out green procurement training across all departments. We’re also conducting comprehensive carbon audits of our products and suppliers. This information will be readily available to our customers, empowering them to make informed choices that align with their own sustainability goals. By highlighting the carbon footprint of our products, we can potentially even offer a “carbon footprint calculator” to aid customer decision-making.

Taking Action on Climate Change (SDG 13)

We understand the urgency of climate action. By offering the most sustainable packaging solutions possible, we’re not only helping our customers but also working to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and secure a more sustainable future. This aligns perfectly with the growing movement towards reducing plastic packaging and responsible waste management.

Staying Informed and Adapting

We’re constantly monitoring upcoming environmental policy updates in Ireland and the broader EU. This allows us to stay ahead of new regulations on resource usage, waste management, and packaging (like potential bans on certain plastics). By adapting proactively, we ensure our practices remain aligned with the latest sustainability standards.

The 2030 Agenda: A Shared Vision for a Sustainable Future

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The 17 SDGs address global challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. By aligning our efforts with the SDGs, ZEUS Packaging is committed to playing its part in creating a more just and sustainable world for all.

At ZEUS Packaging Ltd, we believe that a sustainable future is achievable. Through our commitment to the SDGs and continuous improvement in our practices, we’re working hard to make a positive impact on the world around us. We invite our partners, customers, and employees to join us on this journey.