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Today, on World Day of Social Justice, we join the global call to action, echoing the theme of Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for All. In a world grappling with the aftermath of conflicts, rising inequalities, and shifting dynamics, the need for collective action has never been greater.

The injustices stemming from these challenges are multifaceted, impacting everything from worker rights to access to resources and opportunities. While the issues feel complex, the solutions lie in collaboration and a shared commitment to building a more equitable future.

At Zeus, we are deeply committed to playing our part. We believe that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles form the foundation for sustainable and responsible business practices. As Declan Breen, our Head of Sustainability, emphasises:

“At Zeus, we understand that ESG is not a checklist but a holistic approach. We consider all aspects of social justice, from ensuring fair labour practices to promoting diversity and inclusion within our company and throughout our supply chain. It’s not just about doing the right thing, it’s about building a strong, resilient future for all.”

Here are some key areas where we can all unite for social justice:

  • Championing fair labour practices: Ensuring decent working conditions, living wages, and respect for worker rights across the entire value chain.
  • Empowering marginalised communities: Promoting equal access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for all, regardless of background or identity.
  • Building peace and stability: Advocating for peaceful conflict resolution and supporting communities affected by war and displacement.
  • Protecting the environment: Recognising the social dimension of environmental sustainability and ensuring everyone benefits from a healthy planet.


Our Commitment to Global Fairness

Our supply chain stretches across the globe, and we take responsibility for upholding social justice standards throughout it. We actively address potential injustices through:

  • Rigorous Supplier Vetting: We thoroughly vet suppliers through due diligence processes, including on-site audits, independent verifications, and ongoing monitoring.
  • Open Communication and Collaboration: We build strong relationships with suppliers, fostering open communication and providing support to meet our high standards through training, capacity building, and joint efforts.
  • Empowering Workers: We advocate for worker empowerment by supporting independent organisations, promoting freedom of association, and ensuring access to grievance mechanisms.

We, at Zeus, understand that our customers want to know where their products come from and how they are made. We are committed to transparency, regularly reporting on our progress, and openly addressing concerns.

World Day of Social Justice is not just a day of awareness, it’s a call to action. Each of us, individuals, organisations, and communities, has a role to play in dismantling barriers and creating a more just and equitable world.

Let’s start here:

  • Share your thoughts and ideas: Use your voice to spark conversations about social justice issues and inspire others to take action.
  • Support organisations working towards social justice: Donate your time, skills, or resources to causes you care about.
  • Hold yourself and others accountable: Champion ethical and responsible practices in your personal and professional life.

Together, we can build a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Let’s unite for social justice, today and every day.