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At Zeus Packaging Group, our commitment to sustainability is deeply rooted in the principles outlined in the Brundtland Report. This foundational document defines sustainability as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” As we work towards our goal of becoming zero waste to landfill across our product range and operations, the principles of sustainability guide every decision we make. This September, we’re excited to participate in the global movement known as “Second Hand September,” originally created by Oxfam which aligns perfectly with our values of resourcefulness and responsible consumption.

Why Second Hand September Matters

Second Hand September encourages people to think twice before buying new items and to consider the impact of their purchasing habits on the environment. By opting for second-hand goods, we extend the life cycle of products, reduce waste, and conserve the resources required to produce new items. This movement is not just about thriftiness; it’s about making thoughtful choices that benefit the planet and future generations.

Our Zero Waste Goal

At Zeus Packaging Group, we’re on a mission to eliminate waste to landfill across our product range and operations. This means carefully managing our resources, minimizing waste, and ensuring that materials are reused or recycled wherever possible. Just as we strive to reduce waste in our operations, Second Hand September encourages us all to think about how we can reduce waste in our personal lives, particularly when it comes to clothing and household items.

Tips for Making the Most of Second Hand September

Visit Second-Hand Stores: Explore your local second-hand shops for hidden gems. These stores are a treasure trove of high-quality items, from clothing to household goods, often at a fraction of the original cost. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or your home, you’re likely to find something unique and valuable.

Donate Wisely: When donating items, ensure they are in good condition. Second-hand stores are not dumping grounds; they should only stock items that are desirable and usable. If you wouldn’t buy it, don’t donate it. High-quality donations make these stores more appealing to shoppers and help sustain the second-hand market.

Regular Wardrobe Audits: Don’t wait for years to pass before decluttering your wardrobe. Regularly go through your clothes and set aside items you no longer wear. This not only helps keep second-hand stores stocked with on-trend items but also keeps your wardrobe manageable and stylish.

Use Online Platforms: Websites like are fantastic resources for giving your unwanted items a new life. You can sell or give away items that are still in good condition, and these platforms are also great for finding items you need. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment.

“I’m a big fan of the online platforms where you can sell or give away items,” says Declan Breen, our Sustainability Manager. “I scroll through them regularly and have found some great pieces for my home that are really unique.”

Participate in Local Swaps: Look for local groups that organise school book and uniform swaps. These events are a great way to exchange items that are still in good condition but no longer needed. They also build a sense of community and promote the idea of sharing resources.

A Shared Responsibility

Second Hand September is more than just a month-long initiative; it’s a reminder of the ongoing responsibility we all share in preserving our planet’s resources. At Zeus Packaging Group, we believe that by making small, sustainable choices in our daily lives, we can collectively make a significant impact. Let’s embrace Second Hand September and work together towards a more sustainable future.

Join us in making a difference this month, and beyond.