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Did you know Zeus has a farm training unit in Kenya?

This zero start-up cost initiative was started through a partnership between Zeus and Le Cheile Africa.

In 2021 the construction commenced and on-site community training was started.

The farm has a dual purpose – 

– to train local communities on zero grazing, bringing food and water to cattle. This way of grazing is more economical and more environmentally friendly. 

– The result is an increase in milk yield per cow which can be consumed by the community or sold for a profit. The milk supports Le Cheile’s Food Security Program which aids 100 vulnerable families suffering from extreme poverty.

Three years later, the farm has made extraordinary strides towards becoming a fully sustainable operation, all while empowering the local community. The results can clearly be seen and prove that ‘together nothing is impossible’… 

– 5 acres of tomato plantations are flourishing and expected to bring in profits of approx €12,000.

– The pigs are settling into the new pig house and will rear piglets that can be sold at premium prices of around €300. This is huge considering the average salary is €18 a week.

– The chicken house is functional and will be home to an impressive flock of 7,000 chickens. As they thrive they will be a reliable source of meat and eggs for local demand, providing food security for the area.

– The dairy cows and goats are thriving, producing milk to support the livelihoods of 30 dedicated employees.

– Fruit grown on the land like mangoes and bananas, plays a vital role in also supporting the local community and contributes to the financial sustainability of this initiative.

Kenya is one of the leading producers of avocados in Africa. The favourable climate and fertile soil provide ideal conditions for avocado cultivation. The fruit is a vital local food source and a major export commodity. 

With these benefits in mind, the next initiative for the farm is to grow and harvest avocados. In addition to economic gain for the farm, the farming of avocados will also promote environmental sustainability. Avocado trees help in soil conservation, carbon absorption, and maintaining biodiversity. 

Through this project, the farm aims to leverage Kenya’s natural advantages to produce high-quality avocados, ensuring a steady income stream and reinforcing its commitment to sustainable agricultural practices. At Zerograze Farm, we believe in the power of collective effort.  

Watch this space…