Our online platform is linked to the sensors installed on your wrapping machine, where all parameters and alerts are monitored.

The all-in-one measuring solution
for pallet wrapping
Improves performance, reducing
time, costs and emissions
Our comprehensive solution gives you complete control of your pallet wrapping process
What is Apollo for?
Provides the true costs of your pallet wrap process
Track data analysis in real time 24 hrs 7 days
Gives complete transparency and eliminates inefficiencies
Uses up to 60% less film, and generates less waste
Reduces CO2 emissions
Delivers a complete optimised pallet wrap process
Watch this explanatory video

What does Apollo measure?
Net weight of film used per pallet
Actual pre-stretching per pallet
Actual meters of film used per pallet
Real pallets wrapped by coil
Number of pallets produced per period
Cost in £/€ per wrapped pallet
Perform a free optimization study!Perform a free optimization study!
Use Apollo anywhere

The Apollo Pallet Wrapping Monitoring System consists of three key components: machinery, software and high-performance film
- the only cost is the film you use!



Film with high performance
Our range of high performance films are designed to give you maximum strength and stretch at low thicknesses.

Wrapping machines
We install sensors to monitor the key metrics of your business. We adapt or update your machines as necessary.
Ongoing maintenance service is included.

Transparency is the result of real-time data
We are all responsible for helping our planet!
The APOLLO system aims to
help you use less plastic.
This will reduce your emissions and
increase your sustainability credentials.

Need more information?
Fill out the form on the right or contact us at: